Membership Form


Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) as joining fees. (One Time)
Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only). A. Annual Subscription fees. Mandatory to renew every two years. Your next payment to be made on or before 07th of April as per the financial year.

I am interested in being involved in the activities of BTDS as the stakeholders of BTR:   Yes   No

If yes If yes, kindly write few words about your motivation

I / We hereby solemnly promise to abide the rules and regulations of the Society and to observe a high ethical standard in the conduct of our business without reservation or equivocation of any kind, consistent with the regulation in force from time to time. We also note and accept that any member who shall act to the detrimental of or against the interest of the tourism, after due inquiry be either censured, suspended or excluded from the Association by the Executive Committee for which action, the Executive Committee shall not be bound to assign any reason.

I / We do hereby agree to intimate the BTDS in writing about any change in the present ownership/governing body of the our organization.


